Tips for Decorating Your Home Office (Part 2)
General lighting is a lighting in the whole room and it is used for safety, visibility and convenience. Task lighting is necessary for particular workspaces intended for a specific task. Such tasks comprise studying, reading, computer working, drafting, paying bills and so on. Accent lighting meant to highlight specific areas, paintings on the wall or art objects. You will have to choose curso autocad light bulbs as well which are classified as the following:
- Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL). This is best energy-saving bulb. Such bulbs consumes 66 - 80 percent less power in comparison incandescent bulbs.
- Incandescent. It produces white, warm light and is used in almost all homes these days. It is not so energy-saving as halogen or fluorescent bulbs.
- Fluorescent. This bulb is least expensive and energy-saving by consuming only 20 - 35 percent of power as compared to incandescent bulbs, it also works up to 20 times longer.
- Halogen: It works much longer than incandescent bulbs, is most excellent suitable for tasks and it gives brilliant, white light.
Rule of thumb: Leave no dark places and give sufficient lighting to your home office.
Desks are usually placed at the center of the space facing the entrance door. It is for you to make a decision if this works in your office, allowing for the total square footage. At the back of the desk and parallel is the credence table, which provides you additional workspace and storage below. In case the central desk position does not satisfactorily suit for your space, an alternative is the standard L-arrangement. This means two work surfaces: one as a computer and printer work surface and the other is for your main desk area.
Also take into account schemes of muted color that ease stress and tension in your workspace, which consecutively increases your efficiency.
As you can see there are numerous design elements to think about in designing and decorating your home office. preparation and planning and is vital. Keep in mind for all time to measure your available space prior to acquiring the furniture and then can just concentrate on your choice.
Read the other parts: Part 1

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