Should You install The Antenna in the Attic or on the Roof?
The antenna is increasing in popularity day by day. Your original reaction might be a refusal. However, the antenna is not that outdated, unfashionable and old as you may suppose. The antenna is certainly the old technology but its improved features absolutely are not outdated. Boasting enhanced and innovative cosmetics and stronger characteristics, the antenna is turning out to be the well-liked alternative to expensive satellite or cable service.
You can mount your new antenna in three places:
- indoors by your TV
- in your attic
- outdoors on your roof
Those who live in the city will typically mount their antenna inside because they are fairly near to the broadcast towers, and those who reside distantly from a major urban area or in countryside will be needed to mount antenna outdoors, which method provides up to a one hundred miles or more range. Whereas installing the antenna outside on the roof is good enough for someone, others might want the antenna unsighted and choose the attic.
The two major problems you will almost certainly face by installing your antenna in your attic are:
Various attics have low ceilings and are small, so there is a quite narrow space to move around, not to mention to install an antenna. Calculate your attic space and measure the antenna length to figure out if it will shape in the first place.
2. Poor reception
Another problem you will face is bad reception. Some of the matters that can worsen the performance of antenna are household appliances and electronics due to the electromagnetic influence and the building materials that your home consists of. In an attic, you have to make an allowance for the wood, insulation, metal materials and aluminum that comprise your chimney and roof. This does not mean that it will not function because there are many people who have installed the antenna in the attic and are receiving great picture clarity.
Installing it on your roof is the commonly accepted fashion that people use. This does not necessitate an experienced person to mount it because every antenna comes with a full set of directions to assist you mount it properly, presupposing you acquired the antenna from a reputable place and it is brand new. It is a fine idea to buy from a company of good reputation, whether an online store or retail seller, who presents troubleshooting help and customer assistance in case you encounter any problems.

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